Monday, May 10, 2010

Why is location so important to Hotels in Antigua Guatemala?

With the rise of the internet it’s well documented that the idea of location location location is losing its significance in everyday life. As you will quickly discover this is simply not true for hotels in Antigua Guatemala. There are many reasons for this. Within the last few years there have been a number of resort type places that are located out of town. Although these luxury hotels are worth a visit and are very beautiful, many visitors have been put off by their location.

There are a couple of reasons why being centrally located is important to making the most out of your visit in Antigua Guatemala. Travel in Guatemala can be a daunting prospect so it’s important to have a good orientation at all times. Antigua is a town that can be difficult to navigate at times.

Navigation can be tricky especially after you have been on a long walk. There are few big land marks and the grid system makes it easy to lose yourself. This is made doubly as hard in the dark as things have a tendency to look differently. Add on top of this that if you are wearing high heels you will most probably be stumbling over all over the place.
Our advice is stay in a centrally located hotel, carry the hotels details with you at all times and jump into a taxi at the first sign of getting lost!

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